Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Finally reunited with my blog.

It's been a long time since I last wrote, but I've been busy editing and advising re. the cover of my new novel, GOOD-BYE RUSSIA, HELLO AMERICA. Right now the cover is being printed and an entire proof of the book should be ready in about two weeks. Don't really know how long it takes from there t being published.

Otherwise, we are taking advantage of summer theatre here in Florida. It's available and easier to get tickets. Scott, Ethan, Dawn and Lena are coming on the last weekend of June and they wanted to see the musical, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS. We're all going and am thrilled at seeing at least some of the family again.

No summer plans yet. Both of us are healthy, but Burt's walk needs to be improved. Maybe a last minute cruise will do it for him.

Love to hear from you. Janet